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Happy #GivingTuesday 2022!


It's no secret that life is tough right now for millions of people, including many children and young people in the areas in which we work across Newcastle and Middlesbrough.

So this #GivingTuesday – a global celebration of generosity and community that takes place each year on the last Tuesday of November – we want to shout from the rooftops about how much we have to be thankful for at Kids Kabin.

First of all, thank you to everyone that has donated, been sponsored for something, or shared something online, by phone or in person about this year's BBC Children in Need Appeal. We've been lucky enough to receive support from Children in Need and one of this year's telethon co-hosts Chris Ramsey, which you can learn more about by reading our recent blog post.

Next, we've been stunned by the enthusiasm for our first ever venture into crowdfunding – and we're thrilled to be able to say that we have less than £660 left to raise for our Big East End Bike Fix Fund to hit its target!

The workshops we're aiming to put on will give kids and their families skills and confidence for life, and save scores of bikes from heading to landfill, so your help to get that final few hundred pounds is essential, and hugely appreciated.

Finally, we've just had news from The National Lottery Community Fund that it is also going to support us to deliver our work over the next two years. This funding will help more children and young people across Newcastle to find confidence and learn new things through the creative activities they can try with Kids Kabin, as well as sharing those new skills in their own communities.

So thank you to the team at the fund for their commitment to our work, and to everyone playing the National Lottery for making the fund possible.

If you want to know how much all of this means to our members, you can hear it from the horse's mouth in our latest video, which premiered at our AGM earlier this month.

Thanks again to all our funders, partners, volunteers, staff, members, their families and all our other supporters for giving so much to us, not just on #GivingTuesday but every day!


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