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It's been a busy few months in Middlesbrough


We've had a fantastic few months in Middlesbrough, with lots to let you know about!

Firstly, we have welcomed several new members of the team, with our volunteer Katie Acheson appointed as our newest Project Worker. Pictured below, she has been joined by two Assumption Volunteers, Francesca and Ellaine, both of whom have settled in brilliantly and are enjoying getting to know the kids in Middlesbrough.

With help from Middlesbrough Council, as part of its Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme, we were able to provide four hours of summer activities, four days a week over four weeks during the summer. This included breakfast and lunch as well as an hour of physical games each day. There were trips to the park as well as a family trip to Whitby on the final day.

We had great fun on the annual Seahouses trip, pictured below on the right, and the kids have been getting out and about in the local community, taking part in litter picks to help keep our area clean.

They even met our local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), who do an important job with Cleveland Police to protect the public and reduce crime and disorder. The kids told us the best bit was when they got the chance to sit in a police car!

Behind the scenes, we've been working hard to be able to bring you some good news about our Middlesbrough base on Laurel Avenue, so watch this space and we'll let you know more as soon as we can.

In the meantime, we've recently been working with a newly formed Community Interest Company (CIC) called Umbrella Hugs, which uses practical skills to bring communities across the Tees Valley together to improve the environment, and people's physical and mental wellbeing.

The kids loved learning more about the history of Middlesbrough from the team and have been having fun creating personal masterpieces in the style of local artist Mackenzie Thorpe.

Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date with more of what we're getting up to in Middlesbrough.


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