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Latest boost gives our campaign wheels!


Following the official assessment of our Big East End Bike Fix Fund page on Spacehive, we have some brilliant news to start the week.

North of Tyne Mayor Jamie Driscoll attends a bike workshop. Here he is helping Lilly make some repairs.
North of Tyne Mayor Jamie Driscoll attends a bike workshop. Here he is helping Lilly make some repairs.

Because of your help to show how much our planned bike repair workshops with Recyke y'bike are wanted and needed in Byker and Walker next year, North of Tyne Combined Authority has agreed to fund a massive 60 per cent of the full cost of all the sessions!

That means we are 85 per cent of the way to our total with well over a month to go before our page closes – but don't forget, because it's crowdfunding, we must get to 100 per cent of our total to receive any money at all. If we don't hit our target, all the pledges, including the whopping £4,168 from the authority, will be refunded and the workshops won't be able to go ahead.

So a huge, huge, huge thank you to everyone that has backed us so far or shared the page, to Recyke y'bike for partnering with us on this initiative, to Radio Tyneside for letting us talk about the campaign on its morning call show, and especially to the North of Tyne Combined Authority for its generosity in getting us so tantalisingly close to our target figure.

We still have a little over £1,000 to raise but with your help, we're confident we'll get there.

People can read more about the Big East End Bike Fix Fund on our previous blog post, and can make a pledge to support it at


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