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Proud to support young Dreamers Who Do


Earlier this month Kids Kabin came together with other organisations in the Walker area in Newcastle to explore with the young people we support what their hopes and dreams are for the future, and how we can help them come true.

The event, Dreamers Who Do, was hosted by Church Action on Poverty North East, with involvement from Walker Parish Church, Monkchester Community Centre, the John Bostey Youth Centre, and Mission Initiative Newcastle East (MINE) - and incredible cakes baked by children and young people were enjoyed by all attendees!

We heard from many young audience members who spoke passionately about the communities in which they live, offering suggestions about what we can all do more of to care for local people and neighbourhoods, such as hosting bingo nights and pie and pea suppers, picking up litter, showing everyone kindness and respect, starting a club to reduce loneliness for older people, particularly at Christmas, and volunteering to help people of all ages to build their skills and confidence.

One audience member on the day summed up what we heard perfectly by saying: "Young people are the future, so it's amazing to hear them speaking with such clear common sense about how we can make improvements to our communities."

But, in case you missed it, our international volunteer Nicole captured some of the thoughts shared from children and young volunteers from both Kids Kabin and The Bostey on film. Take a look at our YouTube channel to hear their ideas - and their pride in our local community - for yourself.

Thank you everyone who came along and supported this event.

We'll give the last word to one of our young volunteers and former youthwork apprentice, Courteney Cartwright, who said: "I believe everyone can make a positive difference in the community, but that it starts in particular with young people because they are our future leaders.

"The way that I do that is by volunteering at Kids Kabin. I like to take a role of actively listening to young people when they express their ideas, and their hopes and dreams for the future, so that they feel confident enough to pursue them."

Let us know what you think of the film and what you're planning to do to become a dreamer that does, by dropping us a line on Facebook.


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